Moving Home Tips

Moving house is so exciting that sometimes we get caught up thinking of the fun parts like the decorating we want to do and having so much extra space, it’s easier to forget the practicalities. Here we give you a checklist of how to be prepared for the big move.

1.Find out the date.

So you can properly start planning, we advise getting your moving date officially confirmed by your conveyancers. If you’re renting, you might be able to spread moving across several days which will lessen the load. 

It’s important to note, that if you are at the end of a chain, you might have to wait a long time as there are lots of other transactions going through. 

  1. Informing your landlord

If you’re renting, you’ll need to let your landlord know the exact date you’re moving out. Hopefully this will coincide with the end of your lease, but if it doesn’t there may be the option to start a rolling contract up until the move. 

  1. Contact your utility suppliers

Let all of your utility suppliers know that you’re planning to move out. The likelihood is you’ll be moving your broadband across to your new property, but it’s important to give your supplier as much notice as possible, because moving service may take several weeks and you don’t want to be left without any internet. If you are moving into a rental that already has broadband set up, cancelling your broadband in plenty time also means you shouldn’t get any additional fees. 

Another important utility task is to  take a final meter reading in your property and pass them on to the right suppliers. Taking a picture of the meter might help, as the photo will have a timestamp, proving exactly what the meter reading was when the photo was taken. This again is a good way to stop any unexpected bills coming your way. 

  1. Grab the essential for moving day

Your life is in boxes when you move, and it can be daunting to know where to even begin packing. Start by putting all your important documents in a file, passports, birth certificates, and paperwork you need and keep that with you to hand so they don’t get lost in transit. 

 A really great tip is to create a separate box with all the essentials that you will need for your first night in your new house to make the move as easy as possible for you. A kettle, a few mugs, teabags, milk. Phone and laptop chargers, toilet roll, kitchen roll, tv and some bedding. 

These might seem like simple things, but it will at least make your first night comfortable to you can tackle the actual unpacking the next day. 

One bonus of a furnished rental is that most of your essentials will already be there so it can feel like home straight away.

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